
TASP (Center for mediation and arbitration of São Paulo) Board of Arbitrators is comprised by lawyers, engineers, doctors, psychologists, accountants, dentists, pedagogues, teachers and professors among others. According to the nature of the process to be judged, the parties will choose the arbitrators in charge.

Those arbitrators, specialized in their fields, will be present throughout the entire arbitrational process facilitating an agreement.

From July/98 until agost/2007 TASP has solved approximately 65.000 processes: 24% -civil area, 23% -commercial area, 53% - labour law.

TASP also holds courses aiming at the training of Arbitrators, Mediators and Conciliators and also provides help to set up chambers and Arbitrational Courts all over the country. It also helps companies to create pre conciliation committees - Law 9.958/00.

The TASP head office of is located at Av. Paes de Barros, 399, Mooca - São Paulo/SP, Brasil.



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Phone/ fax: 55 11 2693-1820 or 55 11 2693-1650

TASP - Centro de Mediação e Arbitragem de São Paulo

Av. Paes de Barros, 399 - Mooca - CEP: 03115-020 São Paulo/SP

+ 55 11 93318-7839 - Processos online

+ 55 11 96705-7839 - Cursos, processos cíveis ou outras informações

+ 55 11 94221-7940 - Estágios e relatórios